The A-Z of intelligent customer engagement

How to use data to identify and engage different customer profiles and personas on the channels of their choice

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Leila Hawkins
Leila Hawkins

rising cubes abstract

Building a strong relationship between brand and customer is key to nurturing loyalty and trust, which in turn delivers benefits such as stronger brand reputation and profits. To achieve this, brands must engage with their customers through a variety of channels at the customer’s convenience — and with more data and advanced technologies available than ever before, interacting through the online or offline channel of a customer’s choosing is become easier than ever before.

However, the vast quantity of data that can be generated from multiple touchpoints and navigating the numerous platforms and digital channels that continue to emerge, presents new complexities for CX leaders.

The A-Z of intelligent customer engagement draws on real-world stories from NatWest, Amazon, Twilio Segment, Sendbird and Braze. Produced by CX Network in association with AWS Marketplace, it explores how modern businesses can leverage first party data to engage consumers, foster loyalty and drive growth.

Download this report to discover:

  • Why customer engagement is a leading investment priority for CX practitioners in 2024
  • How to use data to identify and engage different customer profiles and personas
  • Why organizations are using dedicated apps to bypass traditional channels and communicate direct with their customers


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