Using AI to predict and influence the customer journey

A tech demo exploring how artificial intelligence is personalizing digital customer experiences and boosting conversion rates

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Seth Adler
Seth Adler

Traditional proactive chat solutions offer chat windows at the start of every website visit, but tend to lack awareness of the visitor’s context. Now, with customers more willing than ever to switch brands to escape bad experiences, businesses are seeking more sophisticated technologies to offer support at the best moments for customers.

By mining real-time and historical data, AI-driven predictive engagement systems have the capabilities to provide a clear picture of customer behavior via buying journeys and user intent.

This demo provides a tour of an online customer journey enhanced with Genesys' AI empowered system. By understanding visitor behavior patterns and triggering precisely timed actions, Genesys Predictive Engagement tool can quickly convert any engagement into a positive experience and increase lifetime customer value.

Watch the demo to see:

  • AI observing visitor behavior to understand who to engage with straight away and who can wait.
  • AI predicting customer intent, outcomes and the moments of truth.
  • AI automatically trigger activities to increase conversions and prevent customer churn.
  • How AI adapts as behavior changes and optimizes outcomes dynamically.
  • Ways that AI lowers cost-to-serve while improving customer experience.
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