5 technologies changing contact centers in the APAC region

Discover which advanced technologies are enhancing efficiency, accuracy and customer satisfaction in the contact center

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Jerome Smail
Jerome Smail

three contact center workers

The contact center landscape in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by advanced technologies that enhance efficiency, accuracy, and – most significantly – customer satisfaction.

From artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, to voice analytics and cloud-based solutions, these innovations are reshaping how brands manage customer interactions.

As companies strive to meet rising customer expectations, these giant strides in capability are providing powerful tools to streamline operations, improve service quality, and deliver personalized experiences.

Here, we focus on five key technologies reshaping contact centers in the APAC region, exploring their impact and the competitive advantages they offer.

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1. Generative AI use case for CX

It would be fair to say that generative AI is revolutionizing contact centers across the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region – and elsewhere – by enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction through advanced data analysis. A prime example of this transformation is National Telecom in Thailand.

To boost customer satisfaction (CSAT) and efficiency, National Telecom implemented the Verint Open Platform and made use of Verint Speech Analytics. This AI-powered tool transcribed around 75,000 contact center interactions and generated analyses from them, providing critical insights and reducing the time for generating analysis from one week to 24 hours, leading to a 30 percent improvement in resource utilization.

The insights gained identified service issues such as internet connectivity problems. This helped agents to optimize troubleshooting, resulting in an 18 percent reduction in average talk time. Another effect was enhanced promotion of self-service channels, increasing proactive communication about these options by 14 percent.

Ultimately, these advancements culminated in a three percent rise in overall CSAT scores – demonstrating the significant impact that generative AI can have on both customer experience and operational efficiency.

2. Automation in CX

AI is also transforming the customer service landscape in the APAC region in the form of automation, streamlining processes and drastically reducing wait times. A standout example is AirAsia's use of Ada's automation platform.

As its popularity grew, AirAsia's customer interactions surged, leading to nearly one-hour wait times and prompting the adoption of a new support platform.

Before automation, agents were restricted to handling interactions through a call center that operated only during APAC hours. Following the adoption of Ada, AirAsia was able to integrate a 24/7 multilingual chatbot on its website and app, allowing customers to check flight updates, book flights, update information, and add ancillary products.

In just one month, AirAsia reduced average wait times by 98 percent, bringing them under one minute. Automation resolved 75 percent of interactions without a live agent, improved CSAT from 60 percent to 90 percent, and increased ancillary product sales eightfold. Additionally, support expanded to eleven languages and new channels like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

These results following the chatbot implementation, achieved with minimal IT dependency, provide a compelling testament to the transformative power of automation in enhancing effective customer support.

3. Agent assist technology

Leading contact centers throughout APAC are using agent assist technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of customer interactions. These AI-powered solutions are streamlining operations, enhancing service delivery and boosting customer satisfaction.

Exemplifying this trend is Australian telco Optus, which achieved large-scale customer service transformation powered by Google Cloud's Contact Center AI (CCAI) platform.
As the first telco in Australia and New Zealand to deploy CCAI, Optus used Dialogflow for automating interactions and Agent Assist for real-time information retrieval, as well as a contact center insights tool.

CCAI's natural language recognition and real-time customer insights enabled shorter call times and faster resolutions, while Google Cloud’s Agent Assist helped Optus agents quickly access relevant articles and personalized responses, reducing customer resolution times and enhancing service quality.

Such use of technology provides the perfect blend of digital and human experience – an essential element of meeting high customer expectations in today's digital-first era.

4. Predictive CX and machine learning

Predictive technologies are also playing a crucial role in improving customer service within the APAC region. Commonwealth Bank Australia (CBA) stands out as a leading example.

Since the introduction of its Customer Engagement Engine (CEE) in 2016, CBA has integrated around 1,000 machine learning models and leveraged 157 billion data points in real-time to enhance customer experiences.

The predictive capabilities of the learning models allow the bank to deliver highly personalized services, significantly improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Matt Comyn, CEO of CBA, extols the virtues of this technology. "Utilizing global leading artificial intelligence and building on the digital investments and advances we have made in recent years, we are now able to better understand the needs of our 8.3 million digitally active customers, delivering them more tailored and relevant services, and offering more choices and highly differentiated benefits than ever before," he says.

“We are using artificial intelligence to create richer, deeper and more personalized experiences for our customers,” Comyn added.

5. Cloud CX solutions

Cloud-based technology is being embraced across the APAC region for its ability to provide scalable, flexible, and accessible CX solutions – it also delivers the computing power required for AI and ML. Cloud-based solutions enable real-time data analytics, personalized interactions, and seamless omnichannel support and with a cloud platform, businesses can swiftly deploy updates, integrate AI for chatbots, and ensure data security.

These factors are driving investment in cloud-based CX solutions. CX Network’s Global State of CX research found that among CX practitioners in the Asia and Asia-Pacific region, 18 percent have prioritized cloud services and migration as a top three investment priority for the coming year. The research also found that in the first quarter of 2024, 21 percent were in the process of migrating, while 22 percent were fully migrated, and nine percent were cloud native.

The example of Asia Royal Hospital in Myanmar demonstrates the transformative effect of cloud-based solutions.

Beset by disconnected systems, Asia Royal Hospital grappled with inefficiencies and delays when responding to patient inquiries. However, by implementing a cloud-based solution, the hospital’s contact center was able to seamlessly integrate multiple communication channels, to provide a centralized platform for efficient patient interaction. The consolidation streamlined operations, enabling staff to access patient information swiftly and deliver personalized responses promptly.

Moreover, the solution's user-friendly interface simplified the training of agents, enhanced staff proficiency and reduced errors. The hospital witnessed tangible benefits, including quicker response times, higher levels of patient satisfaction, and substantial cost savings.

In addition, by migrating to a cloud-based model, Asia Royal Hospital optimized resource allocation, and was able to redirect funds previously earmarked for maintaining legacy systems towards frontline healthcare initiatives.

This provides a lesson for organizations throughout the APAC region: by embracing modern communication technologies, customer needs can be met with agility, ensuring superior care delivery while driving operational efficiency.

Special Report: The Global State of CX 2024

Now in its eighth year, this edition of our flagship annual report is also the first in the Global State series to examine the profit and loyalty benefits delivered by disruptor technologies such as generative AI and virtual reality. Download the Global State of CX 2024 now.

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