Effective customer contact centers in a hybrid workplace

Hybrid customer contact centers can still promote employee engagement and productivity with the right strategies


Customer contact centers that successfully combine working from home and working onsite require organizations to step up employee engagement strategies, according to Renee Moore, customer contact director at Bega Cheese.

In a presentation at CX Network Live: Customer Contact Week ANZ 2022, Moore highlighted the importance of recognizing and rewarding employees, holding in-person connection days, investment in training and development, and open, regular communication as ways to keep remote employees engaged with business goals.

“Take every opportunity you can to empower team members,” Moore advised, with her key strategy here being to ensure decision-making has been taking place on the front line, wherever possible. She said that “only good things” can come from making everyone’s roles “as interesting as possible”, especially in terms of employee retention and better customer service. Critical analysis of processes has been an important part of this process, she said, and urged leaders to constantly look for areas to improve.