Five leadership lessons for business transformation

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CX Network
CX Network

Five leadership lessons for business transformation

Based on research from 120 senior executives who have led numerous transformation initiatives, this eBook aims to help executive sponsors lead major change projects.

Download this resource to access the Business Transformation Leadership Framework and guidance on how it can optimize your next change project. Learn from real-world transformation leaders how to enhance your business cases and master the emotional marathon of leading change.

Key findings of this eBook include:

  • Reasons for business case inaccuracies and how to limit these
  • How to better measure the organizational impact of transformation on adjacent processes, systems and culture
  • Practices that support open communication, help to voice dissenting opinions and confront disconfirming data
  • Top challenges for supplier selection and management, and how to create genuine partnerships with key suppliers
  • The 13 core causes of stress when leading transformation and how to better manage the emotional marathon
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