Discuss how AI and Gen AI transform contact centers [BY INVITATION ONLY]

An exclusive session on mastering generative AI, omnichannel and self-service to exceed evolving customer expectations.

Join this exclusive virtual roundtable to explore the opportunities and challenges shaping the future of contact centers.

This webinar will take place on:
19 September, 2024
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM EST

Our recent All Access: Future Contact Centers webinar series uncovered a number of key themes and insights that indicate how the contact center is evolving.

We heard how:

  • As customer demands shift and technology evolves, self-service options and artificial intelligence (AI) in omnichannel environments are becoming increasingly crucial.
  • Securing stakeholder buy-in for technology investments, redefining the role of contact center agents, and diversifying channel offerings to meet customer expectations are key areas of interest.
  • 30 percent of CX Network members identified generative AI chatbots and virtual assistants as the most impactful trend shaping their role at present, while 20 percent highlighted conversational AI.
  • Securing stakeholder buy-in for these technologies remains a significant challenge in 2024.

Now, CX Network is inviting you to an exclusive, interactive virtual roundtable that will explore these developments in detail and give you a chance to put your contact center challenges to our panel of experts.

Join us on September 19, 2024, to discuss:

  • How to enhance service efficiency and scalability with AI: Challenges and best practices.
  • The importance of securing stakeholder buy-in for CX and contact center investments such as generative AI, conversational AI and omnichannel.
  • How to maximize the value of contact center data across the enterprise.
  • Key ways to adapt to shifting customer demands with self-service and omnichannel strategies.
  • How the role of the contact center is evolving, from support to sales.

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