

T-Mobile Utilises Real-Time Customer Experiences for Coverage Map

Zarina de Ruiter | 04/01/2015

The telecoms company aims to improve its CX strategy by making the coverage map more accurate and transparent.

With the digital revolution making data availably almost immediately, mobile network operator T-Mobile is going to reflect near real-time customer experiences on their next-gen network map, rather than using predictive coverage estimations as is the norm.

As the name might give away, an issue with the current method is that the coverage is a prediction and so isn’t always correct. T-Mobile says that they’re changing this and providing more accurate coverage maps "based on the actual experience of real customers."

The map will be based on more than 200 million customer usage data points each day as well as additional customer usage from trusted third-party sources.

Combining this data, which will be updated twice monthly, the mobile operator says that they’ll be able to provide customer verified-coverage, resulting in a "vastly more transparent and accurate map". It will for instance show exactly where the customer can expect 4G LTE, 4G, 3G or other levels of coverage.

A verified coverage icon within the map will indicate where the majority of the data is provided by customers reporting their actual network experience. This, T-Mobile hopes, will provides an added layer of confidence for its customers.

Neville Ray, Chief Technology Officer at T-Mobile, said: "Our new Next-Gen coverage map will continue to evolve—based on billions of data points provided by real customers’ real-life network experiences. Because, at the end of the day, your experience with our network is what it’s all about."

For more from T-Mobile, check out the Customer Experience Management in Telecoms B2B Summit, which takes places in London this Summer. Focused exclusively on the enterprise market, attend to learn from over 12 proven operator case studies, and participate in over 14 hours of interactive sessions to ensure your most pressing enterprise customer management questions get answered.

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