Peter van Hoof

Head of HR ED&F Man

Peter van Hoof is a seasoned HR-professional with solid experience in multinational companies in FMCG, Retail and Trading. Peter follows, detects and encourages trends in the people and organization domain. He does so by creating compelling and provocative visions/strategies for the future of HR, in doing so he always takes a human-centric approach.

Day One - 18 September

11:30 AM PANEL DISCUSSION: DEI&B – Time to consider Human Experience Management (HXM) for 2025 and beyond

Human Experience Management (HXM) in an organisation is an advanced approach to Human Resource Management (HRM) that focuses on prioritising the overall experiences, needs, and engagement of employees, ensuring they feel valued and supported throughout their entire lifecycle with the company. Unlike traditional HRM, which primarily concentrates on administrative tasks and employee management, HXM aims to create a positive and enriching work environment by considering employees' emotional, physical, and professional well-being. This approach emphasizes personalised experiences, continuous feedback, and the development of a culture that fosters growth, satisfaction, and a sense of belonging.

This panel discussion will cover off key aspects of Human Experience Management to be considered:

  • How can we give our teams a voice to ensure they feel heard and valued?
  • Examples of implementing systems for regular feedback, performance reviews, and professional development opportunities to help employees grow and feel recognised for their contributions
  • How can we reengage and ensure effective productivity within our teams?
  • How can we implement a people centric approach to embrace change within our organisation?
  • How can we design policies and practices that cater to the individual needs and preferences of employees, promoting flexibility, work-life balance, and inclusivity?
  • How can we foster a supportive and engaging workplace culture where employees feel connected to the organisation's mission and values, encouraging collaboration, innovation, and a strong sense of community?