Enhancing the Offline and Online Personalized CX through Successful Omnichannel Integration

30th - 31st August 2022 | Free CX Network Online Event

Ashley Lickenbrock

CX Strategy Lead, Strategic Partners Bayer Crop Science Division

Ashley Lickenbrock has more than 15 years in customer experience strategy and research roles; driving organizations to more deeply understand customer, route-to-market partner and employee needs. As the CX Design Strategy Lead for Bayer Crop Science, she has contributed CX thought leadership across the organization and driven several successful customer-centric initiatives.

Day Two - 31 Aug 2022

9:30 AM B2B Discussion: Customer Success and Business Growth - Exploring Through a Journey Lens

  • How do you gain a common understanding internally of the ideal customer experience across all functions across the business?
  • How do you look to bring the customer lens inward?
  • How do you align teams on prioritizing pain point remediation and accelerating touchpoint innovation for to create a path for customer and business success?
  • What strategies are you utilizing to nudge customers along the product adoption curve?
  • What does ‘seamless’ mean to you and specifically your sector?
  • How are you looking to establish a direct link between customer behaviour, data and analytics and hard metrics like revenue, profitability, churn, and customer value?