Enhancing the Offline and Online Personalized CX through Successful Omnichannel Integration

30th - 31st August 2022 | Free CX Network Online Event

Day Two - 31 Aug 2022

9:00 am - 9:30 am EST FIRESIDE CHAT: Next-Level Omnichannel: Leveraging the mix of Physical and Digital with Operational Efficiency

Srikant Iyer - SVP, Product Strategy & Transformation, Wells Fargo

Agility and remaining nimble to change can deliver long-term customer and business value.

This session will address a ‘How to’ approach:

  • Harnessing digital to enrich the consumer experience and leveraging digital technologies to ensure a smooth experience
  • Assessing how to develop an efficient ‘phy-gital’ CX seamless strategy and ways to connect contact centers and store associates
  • Ensuring that you are implementing the right mix of channels to support the customer based on their persona
  • Assessing how to leverage omni-channel to stay relevant and retain customers
  • Understanding KPIs for omnichannel to identify areas for improvement



Srikant Iyer

SVP, Product Strategy & Transformation
Wells Fargo

9:30 am - 10:00 am EST B2B Discussion: Customer Success and Business Growth - Exploring Through a Journey Lens

Ashley Lickenbrock - CX Strategy Lead, Strategic Partners, Bayer Crop Science Division
Katie Manty - VP, Omnichannel Strategy, Omnicom Health Group
  • How do you gain a common understanding internally of the ideal customer experience across all functions across the business?
  • How do you look to bring the customer lens inward?
  • How do you align teams on prioritizing pain point remediation and accelerating touchpoint innovation for to create a path for customer and business success?
  • What strategies are you utilizing to nudge customers along the product adoption curve?
  • What does ‘seamless’ mean to you and specifically your sector?
  • How are you looking to establish a direct link between customer behaviour, data and analytics and hard metrics like revenue, profitability, churn, and customer value?

Ashley Lickenbrock

CX Strategy Lead, Strategic Partners
Bayer Crop Science Division


Katie Manty

VP, Omnichannel Strategy
Omnicom Health Group