Ranjan Kumar

Founder and CEO Entropik Tech

Ranjan Kumar is the Founder and CEO of the World’s Leading Emotion AI company –Entropik Tech. He is an Engineer from IIT Kharagpur, has invested most of his time working with soft computing, neural computing, and deep learning. Ranjan has worked with distinctive firms like ONGC Ltd and ITC Ltd, after which he turned an entrepreneur with Oyeparty.com in 2012. He has also headed business at Citrus Payments, Bangalore, giving the division exponential growth under his leadership. Ranjan is an All-India Physics Olympiad champion, and his penchant for fundamentals has been the driving force behind all his endeavors. He is an AI enthusiast, a NeuroScience lover, and a Sales Hustler. He is continuously researching in the space of Emotion Tech and Cognitive Science. He aspires for a world that is not just Artificially Intelligent but emotionally perceptive. Ranjan firmly believes that if he wasn’t the Founder of Entropik Tech, he would be discovering some interesting facts as a Physicist.

Agenda Day 2

9:00 AM Unlocking Real Customer Feedback with Emotion AI

The modern-day customer is distracted and overwhelmed with choices, making 95% of their purchase decisions subconsciously, influenced by emotions. In-depth Interviews, Focus Group Discussions, and Surveys might not be sufficient to understand the complex mind of the modern-day consumer. Because the problem with traditional methods is that they are biased, lack scalability, and most importantly, fail to answer the "why" part of the purchase decision. 

Emotion AI is solving these long-standing problems by augmenting the traditional ways of consumer research. With more than 90% accuracy and computer-vision-based methods, Emotion Insights are helping brands to humanize their experiences at scale, by unlocking real customer feedback.

Join Ranjan Kumar, CEO, and Founder of Entropik Tech as he talks about:

  • Introducing Emotion AI to Consumer Research
  • Augmenting Traditional Methods with Emotion AI
  • Facial Emotion Recognition and Eye Tracking
  • Unlocking Real Customer Feedback 4X Faster