Alex Wood

Consultant The Financial Fraud Awareness Campaign

Alex Wood is a reformed offender who has committed some of the most high-profile financial offences in recent criminal history. The Police believe that, over his 20 year criminal career, he stole over £50 million (Prison turned my cellmate into a £50 million fraudster. Behind bars, it’s like crime school).

Since being released from prison in 2022, Alex has become a leader within the counter-fraud community. He advises large global banks, law firms and risk firms as well as the Home Office, the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office, the Cabinet Office, the Financial Conduct Authority and multiple Police forces.

He is a sought-after public speaker and has delivered over a hundred speeches across the UK, Europe, Latin America and Asia and he is regular guest on BBC Radio 4 and Talk TV.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Alex.

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