Jaren Loy

Head, Digital Growth FairPrice Group

Jaren is the Head (Digital Growth) at the FairPrice Group with a key focus now in driving growth and partnerships for Retail Media Network. Prior to FairPrice Group, Jaren spent over a decade in performance marketing, digital media, CRM, MarTech, and product management related roles in organisations across different industries and regions.

21 November 2024 | Digital Marketing Asia Day 2

3:00 PM From Big Data to Big Stories: Unleashing the Emotional Power of Data-Driven Narratives

• Analysing data to uncover hidden insights and understand their emotional needs and desires

• Understanding the role of AI in ranking algorithms and how to stay ahead of the curve

• Weave data points into a captivating story that resonates with your audience on a personal level

• Exploring new search platforms and emerging trends in Asia's digital landscape

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Jaren.

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