Clarie Kwa

SVP, Regional Bancassurance Strategy and Transformation DBS Bank

Clarie is Head of Strategy for Regional Bancassurance in DBS Bank. Her career path has led her from frontline operations management, sales advisory and training to management consulting as Head of Insurance for Asia, and most recently, into the entrepreneurial path as the co-founder and Chief Market Officer of a B2B Insurtech that is active in Asia and the Middle East today. With a multi-faceted background, Clarie views customer experience through a variety of lens, to challenge status quo and offer transformational solutions. 

20 November 2024 | Main Conference Day 1

4:20 PM Panel Discussion: Micro-Insights, Macro-Actions: Transforming Customer Data into Actionable Journey Design

Imagine using data to pinpoint customer pain points and then redesigning touchpoints to address them, ultimately leading to a more satisfying customer experience. This topic discusses extracting valuable customer insights from data to create big changes. 

  • Collecting the right customer data to support micro-segmentation  
  • Strategies for analysing large datasets from various sources to extract actionable micro-insights  
  • Strategies for empowering marketing, sales, and customer service teams to leverage micro-segment insights for effective customer interactions 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Clarie.

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