Transforming CX Data: Micro-Segmentation and the Customer Journey

Transforming CX Data: Micro-Segmentation and the Customer Journey

Organisations are leveraging customer data more than ever to personalise communication and understand customer intent. Advanced technology allows them to segment data into very specific groups (micro-segments) based on detailed characteristics and behaviours. This shift from traditional segmentation requires a new approach to customer data, and both customer experience (CX) and data specialists need to adapt their thinking and the tools they use.

This report examines the necessity of this shift towards micro-segmentation through the lens of Bumrungrad International Hospital and Touch ‘n Go eWallet. It explores the reasons behind leading organisations like these advancing their data capabilities and how others can achieve similar results by learning from their examples.

Read the report and discover:

  • Why organisations are turning to micro-segmentation to refine service and marketing journeys
  • The benefits of using data to understand and identify customer groups
  • How micro-segmentation could influence the future of customer journey design and management

Download this report today to embrace the power of data and micro-segmentation.

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