Melanie Mingas

Editor-in-chief CX Network

Melanie is editor-in-chief at CX Network, heading up research projects, industry reports and online multi-media content, and ensuring CX Network is the go-to resource for CX professionals around the world. 

Day one - 9 July 2024

10:00 AM Beyond support: How contact centers can leverage data & AI for enterprise-wide impact

The contact center can be pivotal in maintaining customer centricity within a business. As contact center teams are often the largest in the organization, they can be expensive and under heavy scrutiny. Proving their strategic value is essential. Contact centers house vast amounts of customer data that provide critical insights into customer needs and expectations. When contact centers adopt a proactive approach, this data can be used across the enterprise to guide everything from product development to operations and UX strategy.

Contact center leaders must take an active role in breaking down internal silos and ensuring that customer feedback and contact center data are acted upon throughout the organization. Encouraging contact center leaders to become generalists, spending time in different departments, helps them understand priorities across the company and how their data and insights can solve pain points and enhance customer centricity. Investing in data and analytics to be predictive, guiding tech investments, and creatively implementing AI to assist agents rather than replace them, can further elevate the contact center’s role.

In this session, Advisory Board members Joshua Tye, Senior CX Operations Lead at Cash App, and Vinay Parmar, Founder of Dhruva Star, sit down with CX Network’s editor-in-chief, Melanie Mingas, to discuss how contact center leaders can drive a customer-centric strategy across the enterprise and transform the contact center from a cost center into a profit center.

Attendees will learn:

  • Leveraging customer data across the enterprise: Learn how to use contact center data to guide customer centric business strategy, ensuring customer feedback drives business decisions.
  • Becoming effective generalists: Discover methods for contact center leaders to understand and address priorities across different departments, breaking down silos and fostering a customer-centric culture.
  • Innovative AI implementation: Understand how to creatively implement AI to support and train agents, improving the agent experience and reducing burnout while enhancing overall service efficiency.